Are you tired of the same old warmers, games and activities? This is the place to be! This blog displays a collection of top creative ideas taken from the best sites and sources to spice up your classes and involve your students in fun activities dealing with different skills and grammar topics. Welcome aboard!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Activity 22- "The Slap" Video Activity
This short video activity can be used as a warmer for intermediate and advanced adult groups. It promotes interaction and exercises students`creativity.
Level: Intermediate and Advanced
Skill: Speaking
Material Needed: the video from Youtube
Set up the scene : a soldier, a colonel, a young lady and an old lady are on a train journey. Students watch the video up to the part the train enters a tunnel and all they can hear is a kiss and a slap. Pause the video when the train comes out of the tunnel, right before the students can listen to each of the passengers` thoughts. Divide students into small groups and give them some time to discuss what happened in the train. Tell them that they are expected to explain their version of the story in details. Elicit their ideas and show the end of the video so that they can compare their versions and check what really happened.
This is a great opportunity to practice speculation with MAY/COULD/MIGHT/MUST HAVE + ppartciple! Thank you , guys!